Create the right mindset that will frame your Success story


In this podcast you will see Robert Kennedy III of RK3 Show interview Andy Audate about his success story. Andy shares their family journey of being immigrants and how his grandfather’s idea has turned to be a great opportunity. He also talks about the things that people get attracted to about him.

Andy tells us that his get-it-attitude and deciding to bring that innate desire to win has led him to be successful even at a young age. Going out and making it happen was his mantra and success does not come to those who wait in vain.

And finally he shares about what young people should be concentrating on to be able to hit success. 

You will learn:

  • How the right mindset sets you apart from other people
  • How to make people listen to you
  • What makes you successful 
  • Finding your WHY and unlocking your potential

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Andy Audate

I want to change lives. I want to show people how to progress and their money. I want to show people how to progress their mindset. I want to show people how to progress in their brand so that way they can take care of their family. Take care of the finances and experience freedom.


Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls, children of all ages. Welcome to another episode of the K three show. I'm your man, Robert Kennedy, the third arcade three. That's me. And I'm in the house today with another amazing guest today. My guest is Andy. They listen to Andy. I know that I'm going to start this from the beginning with a question for you.I know that you are not from. United States originally, at least your family is not. So I want you to give me that pronunciation that's as your family pronounces it. 

Andy Audate

Oh, my dad says on that, on that. And then I ended up using the English version, which has odd dates. So French, French Haitian is audat english versions. audate.


 I love it. I love it, man. So I just tell everybody a little bit about your story. Andy was born in Boston and Andy grew up as the son of Haitian immigrants. And as we know, people that are from the Caribbean, like myself, there we come from a different level of. I would say wealth than, than, than other people do.So the mindset is a little bit different. So there are some, there's some elements of, I would say struggle or grind or hustle that are a little bit different than somebody that might have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth. So tell us a little bit about how that mindset framed, how you grew up, man.

Andy Audate

No seriously, in a hundred percent, it's, it's really having that mindset of, I have to get it, whatever it takes, whatever it is and what I've learned from my parents. I mean, I was just thinking about my grandfather a couple of days ago. My grandfather is laying down his death bed right now. And I was, I was thinking about his journey of having an idea at one point.Going to his wife, where my grandmother is going to his wife and saying, Hey, I'm moving to go to the United States. We have no family. We barely speak English. I have a motorcycle and I have a tire business where we're selling, restoring and refurbishing tires. And I'm willing to go to the United States and make it work and thinking about that journey or that decision that my friend father took to come to United States alone.Break and then get to a point where he got here, get a job, get some bread, get the money, get his brother and a sister over here. Get his wife, get his kids, see the United States and not even speak English. And now we have, I don't know, maybe 50, 60, maybe a hundred people in my immediate family who now reside in the United States. And we're all well off where my grandfather's hard work credit doctors.created doctors created a dental hygienist, created lawyers, created, you know, the whole nine yards down the list of educational jobs. My grandfather's hard work created that. And then me being the first generation. So out of the whole entire family, I'm the first one that was born in the United States.

So that put a little pressure on my back saying, Hey, like you got to this point, like, like, are you born here now? Yeah, you better make the best of it and do the math young man, 80 times, 365, best with opportunity. A great opportunity. 


Wow. Wow. So you're the first that's born here, but I don't know. If people are, this is going to be audio.So people are not seeing the video, but if they're seeing the video, it's clear that you were a fairly young person, right. And yet you've had a lot of great opportunities. I think one of the things that attracted me to you, I think I saw you on social media on a stage. I believe it was Les Brown. I think there were some other heavy hitters that were a part of that event.And I'm saying, wow, this guy's really young. And he is aligning himself with some of the top speakers, some of the top people in the world. How did you know that you could even get into those places, those doors so early in your life? 

Andy Audate

I did it. I didn't know, but I forced it, I made it happen. And I think what some people are looking to accomplish in life or to experience in life, it's like when doors kind of swing open for them.

So they're waiting on God's timing. They're waiting for good doors to open. And at some point it magically appeared. And I think those people and realizing at a point later in life where they're like, shit, I didn't, the doors never opened. So am I, am I made to have an average life? Am I made to have a Monday life?and I decided at a young age, very early on that I'm not going to just weed around because I can't, my grandfather didn't just wait around for a book to come to the United States. My mom didn't just wait around and say, one day something's amazing. Gonna happen. It was like, Hey, I got a family to take care of my mom's side.I got a family, my dad's side got a family. I'm going to make it happen, but Amy needs whatever it takes. So I took that same mindset and ad. At a young age, starting as young as eight years old and nine years old at 10 years old, where I just decided to go out and make it happen. Whatever my thought process was at the time.


Yeah. So you've, you've been around some of these, these, these heavy hitters, Les Brown Loral Langemeier. You've got, you've got a who's who of people that are connected to you? what causes people. To listen to what you have to say. I know that a lot of times younger people don't go into certain rooms because they don't feel like they're going to be heard.How, how are you able to walk into a room and people listen to what you have to say. 

Andy Audate

That's great, that's a great question And I thank you for asking that. I think that what allows me to be a herd, number one is my tenacity. What people, what, what, what people are attracted to is my grit and my hustle.

There's so many people who are double my age and beyond where they're saying, man, yo, this God's like, like I inspire them. I was hanging around with a, someone who's a mentor, a friend of mine, and he's also a multimillionaire.And Periodically he'll message me and say, Hey man, I took you out to lunch.Usually it's the other way around where the young buck is asking the mentor. Hey, can I take you out to lunch so I can learn from you. Well, yeah, there's this specific person who asks me, Hey, can I take you out to lunch periodically? And he devotes to me the one time during lunch that he said, man, the reason why I want to keep bringing you out, man, is because like your energy, you vibes mine.Like I'm around successful people all the time. And they're like, you know, their experiences, the success. They're like, Hey man, we did that 10 years ago. Hey man, we got 20 years ago, but India, when you're like, when you're coming in, when you're coming in hungry, when you come in, they're like, I need to get it.That need to go back into that mindset. So I, I want to be around your youth is what I'm attracted to your hustle is what I'm attracted to is what I'm attracted to. 


So how does somebody develop that though? Because I mean, I've read this great book, grit by Angela Duckworth, right? And you have all of these other per personal development books.

What is it inside of you? And is it something that's quantifiable that you can teach somebody else to develop that type of hustle mentality that you're just going to go and get what it is you need to get. 

Andy Audate

At 211 degrees at 211 degrees, temperature Fahrenheit. of water on the stove. It looks flat equivalent to 50 degrees.So you've got 50 degrees water on the stove. You've got 211 degrees, hot piping hot, but it looks the same at 212 degrees. That one degree difference is what makes water boiling. That's exactly what makes the water boil and have a different form. And what I recognize is that the reason why I'm successful and a lot of other people are successful is because of that 212th degree.So I don't, I don't actually believe that the 212th degree can be, can be taught because the 200, that extra one degree is the it's the extra hours. For example, I wake up at three o'clock in the morning. It's 11, 22, California time right now. And I woke up. What is that? Seven hours ago and changed. So I woke up.Three o'clock in the morning. What is that? That's that one, the grief for me, where I say, Hey, how I need to maximize my day, where the average everyday person who's at 211 degrees and below is going to say, Oh man, I'd rather just stay in for the day or I'd rather stay in for the morning, but I have a jump.So you want to have that mindset of having that jump on the rest of the world. And it's going to be that one degree shift, right? It's not, it's not teachable. It's, it's, it's an innate desire that you have to win. 


So, so based on that, based on that, does somebody quit or give up? Because they feel like they see you.They see, and we, and we just came off the, the, the world being changed because Colby is no longer here and there was talk about his mama mentality and how he would, he was just a killer and assassin. And in some ways, not just on the court, but in how he pursued business opportunities, if someone feels like they don't have what you have and they see you, do they just quit?What do they do? 

Andy Audate

That's a great crosswalk, Robert. And I think what needs to be done is that people need to find a reason. And I think the, the, the, the why that is most common that allows people to go to that next level and have that one degree push. Is a recommendation of dependency. So I recognize that for example, people in my network, when they're single men, when they're a single man without any, without any responsibilities besides their six feet, which besides their apartment or besides their home in the car, Their records.They don't, they don't really care about like, they can go to the clubs, they can go have fun. And it's, as soon as they get a woman pregnant, for example, or their girlfriend pregnant, or their wife pregnant. And they realize that that child is dependent on that man, that man like this child. And it's like, Oh my gosh, I'm responsible for this person.They change. It, it, they make a complete radical shift in their life. And if you recognize that your success is like your success has dependents, which means that there's somebody depending on you, for example, I was just thinking about this yesterday. There was an 18 year old board who came to the progressive conference.I run a one day business conference. Called the progression conference. And this one, this 18 year old boy was looking at me at a restaurant. One day, one day. He looked at me at a restaurant. I see him reading a book. I give him no more average. No more average is a book that I wrote. So I walked into this restaurant to my left young dude looking at me.I looked at him. I said, what are you reading about your man? He says, Hey, I'm reading a shoe dog. The book by night, the book about Nike's growth. And I said, okay, you just put into personal development, let me give you my book. He takes my book and goes home. I never seen him again. Never heard from him, but here's what happened at the progression conference.He walks up to me. He says, Hey man, can I take a photo with you? I said, yeah, sure. So he takes a photo with me and I just got off stage and he says, do you remember me? I said, no, I don't remember. You. He says I was at the restaurant three months ago. When you gave me the book, I said, I gave you the book, but how did you end up here?Well, after getting your book, I went to Google you. I found a podcast. I listened to all the episodes. Then I heard you talk about the progression conference. So I went to, I signed up, got my ticket and came. And let me tell you something in the 18 year 25, 24, at the time you opened up my mind to recognize what's possible at my age.


Wow. Wow.

Andy Audate

So it's recognizing that that person has a dependency on recognizing that he, that it is possible to be successful if I'm successful. Yeah.


So it's just about unlocking that everybody has that thing inside them. They just need to be able to unlock it. And you do that through mentorship, through coaching, through just being willing to align yourself with, with, with the keys in, in some respects.So to unlocking that. So let me ask you this. And this is where we're going to wrap up with this. Here are, you're doing what you're doing. And you mentioned that out of your family came lawyers, doctors, hygienists, a lot of different things. The world is changing a bit. Right. And so back in the day, you could go to school and just come out and get a job.Right now, we're in a place where you've got to be able to generate differently. You've got, you have so much opportunity to create your own path. And that's why Gary V and some of these people have really had this message. What is it that you feel young people should really be concentrating on right now in order to really hit success as the world's job market changes.

Andy Audate

Well, you need to be concentrating on this day and age and recognizing that the past is the past and we have completely shifted. From the way that we do business in the marketplace and recognizing that today what's most valuable is your credit, but not your credit with your credit score and your social security number, your social media credit, your credit and your brand, your personal brand is going to be the key determining factor.If you're successful in the future. When does one is a challenge in the economy? If there's a challenge with the economy and your soul, your, your, your personal brand is the lowest in the, in the marketplace. You're going to feel the effects of that. If it's the highest where you're known, you're also gonna feel the effects of that.No matter what industry you're in, no matter what business that you're actually dealing with, even if you're a w two employee, you need to have a personal brand where people in the marketplace are attracted to you and know you like you, as well as trusted. 


Awesome. Awesome. Listen, you have so much fabulous information and you've shared with us a lot of golden nuggets.Where do people get in contact with you online? Where did we find you? 

Andy Audate

The best place right now is to learn about the progression conference. The progression conference is a one day business seminar where I bring in the top entrepreneurs. We're doing half a million dollars in sales, a billion dollars in sales.And I put them on stage and I say, Hey, I need you to teach me in the audience, different strategies on how we can grow our, our network, grow our sales so we can maximize our income to market our market, our brand. So that way in the future, we have the strongest commodity, which is the personal brand. And number three.

What are some personal development strategies that I can utilize to overcome the hurdles in running a small business? So, first thing we wouldn't talk about sales. Second, gonna talk about marketing third. We're going to do personal development strategies all in one day, a damn packed event where you're going to learn, network and grow with other like minded individuals.

Progression is the website. Once again, that's progression Progression 


Awesome Andy audate, all that. Thank you so much for hanging out with us today. I really appreciate you, man. 

Andy Audate

Robert, thank you so much for having me on your show today.
