Recognize Who You Learn From To Progress


How did Andy get his first million at age 21? Who inspired him?Andy talks about types of mentors based on his past experiences and how he learned from each one of them. 

In this episode you will hear Mark Pitcher interview Andy about how he was able to achieve so much at such a young age.  You’ll be able to get to know Andy more as he shares his past experiences and how those experiences gave him realizations about what he really wanted to do. 

Financial stability is a serious issue but with the right mindset and vision it can be achieved. Andy will advise you on how to define that vision to plan out your life, and he will remind you that every success starts when you don’t step on fear but step on faith. 

You will learn: 

  • How to choose the right mentor 
  • That vision is a tool for success
  • How your mindset affects your productivity
  • What tools or tactics to use to get to where you want to be 

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Andy Audate

I want to change lives. I want to show people how to progress and their money. I want to show people how to progress their mindset. I want to show people how to progress in their brand so that way they can take care of their family. Take care of the finances and experience freedom.

Mark Pitcher

Hello, and welcome to another smash, the box podcast today. I'm delighted all the way from California, Los Angeles, California, to be with Andy audate. I hope I've pronounced that correctly, 

Andy Audate

Andy, you know, you know, my dad says it in the French way. He says. And audat but yeah audate is the way it is the way that I say in the United States.

Mark Pitcher

I did have a little tip off just before we came on. And one of your things, because I was having six or seven goes at it before I came on today. So I thought it's always a good thing to get right at the start. Thanks for saying yes. Thanks for coming and do you, you got quite a story going on and you know, a lot of the work you're doing, that's really, really inspiring. And one of the great. Things about this lockdown are big and, you know not for a second dodging the reality and the seriousness of it and and the tragedy in some cases but there's always, always positives in every story. And It's given me a little bit of time to look up people who are doing inspiring stuff in the world.I've spread my sights a little bit further, a field all the way to Los Angeles today. And Andy, you know, you're an author, you're a motivational speaker. You're a serial entrepreneur. You're the founder of  something called the progression conference which I'm sure.

Andy Audate

It's once a one day the progression conference is a one day business event.He didn't see the band in the back. It's a business event that I created to support young entrepreneurs to really start, grow and scale their business. 

Mark Pitcher

Fantastic. Fantastic. While I'm going to be asking you all about that And, but it wasn't always, so, and it, you know, I, you know what I know of you, you know, you came from a pretty poor impoverished background, little to no education yourself made you, you believe in something called endless self-education.So perhaps over to you andy just to tell us a bit people that don't know you a bit about your story and start wherever you like. 

Andy Audate

Yeah. I'm originally from the East coast and an impoverished area on the East coast. That's where I come from. I come from the smallest state in the United States, the smallest state, and I was raised in the smallest city of the smallest state.And Really impoverished area, man, and drug activity, gang violence, guns, the whole nine yards. And I realized that this environment was supposed to be where I was supposed to be from. And I knew I wanted to get out to get out of there at a young age because I had visions and ideas that Hey, one day I'll be successful.

Not only will I just be successful for one day. I'll take my life to the next level and support my family. And, you know, after endless stuff, education, I'm still learning today. And self education just means that I learned from my own experiences and not from a system and call it. I dropped out of college at 18 and a half 19 because I realized, like I said, Hey, man, I want to be an entrepreneur.I want to be a boss, Mark. I want it to be a boss. 

Mark Pitcher

Got you. Got you. And did you, you say you dropped out of college, who were your sort of early, you know, inspire as mentors. Did you have, did you have a person or any group of people that you thought those were the ones I want to follow or was it literally like, you know, you're going to do it your own way.

Andy Audate

Hey, you know, the, that's a great question mark.The I realized there's two types of mentors. You've got good mentors. That's going to lead you where to go and get good mentors. That's going to essentially show you where not to go. And I had a mentor at my college who was my professor, and I just remember looking, and I was like looking at how I'm sitting at a desk and I'm, and I got this idea, this vision about one day, I'm going to be rich, I'm going to be known. I'm going to be somebody. And I'm like this sitting at this desk. I don't think it's so much in alignment with the direction. So I'm looking at my teacher and my teacher's a teacher who's making $40,000 a year. I'm like $40,000 a year. You know, you do the math for three grand and change a month.

And I was like, no, it's not for me. But I had a mentor who was showing me what to do, and he would hit him with James. And I worked for gyms. I was a sales representative for James James, own 10 cell phone stores, Metro PCs at the time. this was, this was 2013. I was seven years ago and now he owns over a hundred and something locations 120 something locations now.So he's. Expand it, and you can see the trend that he's had now. I learned from him. So I opened up a cell phone store because of him. And that's how I made my first million at 21 was because I had the direction and the guidance of someone who's already successful. 

Mark Pitcher

Fantastic. Fantastic. It's really interesting.You say that because. It's something I talk about in smash. The box is that I often say whatever your goals are, whatever your dreams are, because there's so much noise out there. And with social media, it's like, you know, when we're bombarded, we're marketed to every day. And I would say, find the people who are doing successfully, what you want to do, or as close to it as you can and follow them, or model them, or look at what they're doing and what they consume and kind of ignore everybody else.And that's a great example you just gave they're like you're, you're being soaked in inverted commerce, mentored by somebody that's got like nowhere near where you want to be and I think that mentoring is, I would say, choose your mentors very carefully. 

Andy Audate

Yeah. And sparingly, you know, you gotta, you gotta recognize who you are to learn from, because I think if you get the wrong mentor, if you ended up choosing the wrong mentor, it's very easy for you to essentially be misguided.You know, I have to there's this has mentor that I have, who's his mindset, his teachings about expansion. And then there's another guy who my brother follows and  that that guy is my brother's mentor. That person is focusing on conservative. Hey, you don't have to drink the coffee every day. You know, like if you need to save $150 for four gas bills, like, okay.So let's look at your expenses and find out where we can decrease your expenses. So maybe save on drinking Starbucks and don't want Starbucks. Okay. So no more Starbucks and shut off the light and slow down on buying toilet paper. That's that mentors. Direction. The mentor that I follow happens to be about, Hey, if you need an extra, if you need $150, go out and make $150.You don't, you don't, you don't save. You want to go out and make the $150. Oh, you need any, any of the extra five grand for that go out and make the five grand. Don't try to conserve, go out and make the five grand. So it's about getting on the right type of people that is in alignment with the direction that you want to go in life.

Mark Pitcher

Yeah, I hear you. I guess what you're already talking about is different, you know, defense versus attack or offense as you would call it in the States. And it's, it's a mindset. You see it in sport. Don't you get teams who, yeah. So here in the UK, soccer is what you call it. Soccer. We call football is really big and you know, the team at the moment, there's winning everything here, livable.They play a very attacking style of play and it's like, okay, you're going to score three. We're going to score four. And that's, that's their mindset and that's their kind of other teams play defensive. They play not to lose, but it is a mindset. 

Andy Audate

Right, right. And, and I, you know, I'm truly excited that I do have the mindset that I have because as I get, as I'm getting older and wiser, I'm seeing so much more about people, how people's way of living is.And recognizing that, I think when people hit. When, when people are attacking the early twenties that can really shape the direction of their life. And I, in my early twenties, I really realized that an attack of your mindset through your activities in the past can dictate your future. And what I mean by that is that you can be beat down.Through through negative relationships, you can be beat down through bad business deals. You can be beat down through negative, you know wrong economies, bad economies. It can be beat down through bad sales experiences. And all these experiences are going to shipment, may shape your life if you allow them to.

And so I recognize this at a young age and I realized that, Hey, I can literally dictate my life by even though I get beat down through a bad business deal or a financial crisis. Or a bad relationship that doesn't dictate my features. So many people step in fear. I choose to step in faith. 

Mark Pitcher

I hear you. So how do people do that?Because I think, you know, you're clearly like a really, really motivational guy. You've got lots of energy. You're successful. You're doing it. So that shift. That, what you just described there is like, okay, you want $5,000. You've got to get out of debt. You got to go and earn that. What kind of things? So when people come to you, what kind of things, how do you give them?What kind of tools, tactics, techniques do you give people for that? 

Andy Audate

You gotta, you gotta have a vision. You gotta, you gotta sit quietly for a moment, have a vision. So take one hour and really plan out your life. I don't know where my wallet is. Oh, right here. So my wallet is right here and in my life, in my life, I have this document where I really wrote out what my life was going to be like.I carry with me every day. So these targets that I set and it's very ironic because this is my year 2020. You know, one of the things that I wrote down in 2020 is that I said, Hey, I will, I will lead a God fearing woman in a relationship. I will produce a highly profitable national tour. You know, I created deep, loving, meaningful friendships.You know, so I have revenue goals here. I have the different ideas that I want to create. So I literally planned out my life. So in this plan, I have the next, the next 12 months at that time. And I share that with you to let the audience know the artist's number, and know that it is important to have imagination and utilize wisdom.In addition. So you grab a piece of paper and you literally plan. In the, in the, in the, in the present, in the future tense, I know you plan in the present tense. So I am this, I am that. I am this, I am that and the words I am is a powerful word, man. I am declaring what it is that you, you know, there, there's, there's a story where a god said  I forgot where it came from, but essentially there was a question about who God was, and God said, I am. And everyone's like, what is that? What are you talking about? What does that mean? God said, I am, I am one. And then whatever follows I am, God is so you're. Yes. Essentially, whatever you're talking about, God is there is part of that. So I am afraid. Like I am fearful. God's in it. I am great. God's in it. You know what?I am rain gods. That's what God is. God has created that. I am. So in recognizing that you, there is power in the word that's utilizing your mouth. There's power in the tongue. There was power. When you, right there was power. When you're telling your subconscious what it is that you want to accomplish in your life, what is it that you want to create?So when you say I am whatever follows, that is true. So if you say I am crazy, it is true. If you say I am inspirational, it is true. If you say I am a life changing agent, it is true. So you gotta really be careful. Number one. So you gotta be really careful about what you say. Number one thing is to write it down and make it.Plain, make it understandable to another human being who does not know you. Why? Because if you try to, if you try to if you don't make it understandable to another human being who does not know you, that means it is not clear enough. If you try to just have her just be for you. Like I am great and it's not definable.It's not defined that if another person can't understand it your subconscious can't understand it. So if it's unconscious, I can't understand it. It's hard to, it's harder for your brain to actually make it a reality. So now you make it so plain and so visual, visible that a stranger can hear it, understand it, and that means your subconscious can understand it.Your subconscious will work to make it a reality. The subconscious does not know between right and wrong left and right. It just knows what it knows based off what you told it. So I am you write it down and make it plain, make it understood. Make you clear. Then the second thing is in the action. As you're getting closer, you got to really spot as to what it looks like when it's coming to fruition.And what I mean by that is that there's going to be points in time. So after you write the, I am, there's going to be points in time where you're going to start noticing that, okay, this is coming to life. So I'll give you an example. One of the biggest things that I wanted to create this year was I wanted to find my soulmate.I wanted to find my future. I wanted to find the person I was going to be with. And I spend a lot of time focusing on self healing. I self heal, my mind growing my business, understanding what life has to offer. I spend a lot of time understanding that as a single man. And then there came a point in time where I said, Hey, I want a person to buy my side.And so I wrote, I am leading a God fearing woman in a romantic relationship. No. I'm very clear on that. You know what type of woman that is and you know what type of relationship I'm going to talking about. Cause, cause it's very, it can be very iffy. Someone says, Oh, I have a girlfriend like, Oh, what does that really mean?Is that, are you just having funsies? Like what does that really mean? So, you can see the type of man I am in that sentence. I am leading. You can see the type of man I am. So in that, in that example, you can see where I, it. I can see where I transitioned into in my life. I was there, when I found one, when I found a woman, I said, I can't be surprised.I asked for it. Number one. That's where I found the woman. I couldn't be surprised. And the second thing is when, when there was a time for me to take leadership, I couldn't be scared or fearful because that's what I asked for. I asked to leave a God fearing woman. So when it's time for you to go into action, I'm starting a business.You can't say, Hey, I asked for a business opportunity to receive one. So number one is, write it down, make a plan. Number two is when you recognize it, take action and the opportunity. 

Mark Pitcher

Got ya. And so, what I take from that is be, be specific, be very specific with your words, choose your words. I mean, I'm a big believer in the power of the written word.Absolutely. And is that a list that you look at every day, that thing that you pulled out your work? Is that something you would get out every day and look at it and or how do you do, do you meditate on it? Do you, do you produce mantras from it? Or what, how do you manifest that? 

Andy Audate

 it's so clear to me. I actually have a photographic memory, so I can just close my eyes and see it.And every day I'm thinking about every day, I'm thinking about the different revenue targets that I have. I'm going to support my family. Well, I want to create in my businesses where I'm going to you know, how I'm going to support the loved ones that I care about, how much support my clients  who will I be at the other side of this, of this year?So going into the year, who I be, who I be.what is my ways of being on the other side of this year? And getting there is, is a, it's a journey, getting there is a journey, but every day, and I'm thinking about how to create the hottest shift. And even when something like a pandemic happens, I still recognize that the vision remains true.Some people's vision ended Mark, and I think that's really unfortunate.but, but I really in my life, I believe that division is still true. I just get to shift.recognizing that, that, that there's a pendant going on. And I just get, I get to, to, to change things, to operate in a way that my vision still comes through.

Mark Pitcher

Yeah. I think for it's interesting, you say that I was going to ask you about the pandemic, cause we're recording this at the time of lockdown and across the world and who knows where we'll be in a few months, but I think that for me, and I'll be in your view on this there's different currencies.So. Finances money is, is one currency. So if all of your vision plan is based solely around that one thing, then of course the pandemic is going to massively, knock that over. but there's others for me, I think there's other currencies like trust. And Goodwill and doing the right thing and I'm living the values and the virtues that like a lot of the ones you've been talking about and that can't be knocked over by a pandemic.And I think that a lot of the it'll be really interesting and I don't know the answer, but really interesting to see those individuals, entrepreneurs, businesses that survive. And those that don't beyond this, because I know for me, it will be the ones that did the right thing and, and, you know, wherever possible led on those kinds of things, because in times like this it people, I don't know.I think people remember. People remember that stuff.

Andy Audate

a businessman or business man or woman wants to do during this pandemic crisis. Financial crisis has shifted your business to a business model, to work in this financial crisis. So people really want to necessarily have to start over some have to start over, but. Not that's how you start over. And definitely we're more so making a change in your business model to work in this crisis, if you can do so then when the crisis is over, you'll see how affluent your businesses.So affluence is when you take a spike up. When, when you, when your trend, like, as you're, as you're studying your, your, your revenue, I just studied your business growth. You'll start seeing that you might be like this. You may be kind of at a normal trend where you're just operating straight. And then I'm at a point you'll see affluence spike up and you just continue to keep going up.Well, you'll start to see that because during this pandemic, you sat down and he created a business model that was able to thrive in this. So I'll give you an example. There are, there are bodybuilders where they may charge a few thousand dollars to work with them. And the bodybuilder that bodybuilder who's also a trainer.Is training, maybe five, six people who they're charging six or six people, $2,000 per person, that body builder has been making $12,000 a month for the last few months, which is good money, you know, in the U S so you're making $12,000 good income. So $12,000 a month, you're making 12 then, but the pandemic happens.

And then you're like, Oh my gosh, what, what my clients went away. I can't even be in physical contact with them. So then a lot of the payment at the protocol and all. But the bodybuilder, what happened to the bodybuilder is that they have a lot of heat swallowing. So they may have created workout plans to work out at home that they're selling for $150 online.Well, out of the 700,000 followers that they have online, they're now selling the courses and online subscriptions. To get knowledge from this bodybuilder on how to have a physique and now $150. You just multiply that you gotta, you get a hundred people in that program, man, you're ended up making $15,000 a month.So $150 a month times a hundred, you get 15,000 versus the protocols that we were making before. But this is one way that bodybuilding may be able to shift their business. So we are as entrepreneurs, we've got, we've got to look at this as a true opportunity and say, okay, what can I do in a state where people are uncertain, they're panicking financially.They're not willing to invest.a lot of their currency. So what can I do to really change my business model? And then once you end up cracking that code and winning in a financial crisis, you'll win at a higher rate in comparison to your competition when the economy goes better. 

Mark Pitcher

Yeah.That's pretty interesting. And those 700,000 followers, again, I'll go back to trust. Will have been there. Right. Like, I'm that person. So they would have earned that and earned the right almost to pivot and do that. Now I hear that. So Andy, tell us about, you know, you talked about bodybuilders there as an example who do you, who do you want to help the most and and how does it work with progression?So I guess what, when we come out, the other side of this progression conference is going to hit the road. You're going to be out, you know, inspiring people, helping a lot of people. How does it? 

Andy Audate

You were right there by the trust. You know, you gotta build trust ahead of time. I love that you used that as a currency, but then what I want to share with number two is going to be the people I want to help or people I'm supporting and serving. It's going to be entrepreneurs who are yours.Typically you're zero to 10 and they're the first 10 years of their business. And then looking at opportunities to expand now, zero to 10, being that every single year has been a revenue. Progressive year revenue has increased. It has increased. So if you're 20 years in, but your revenue is the same.Then you're still in the, in the, in the category of who I'm working with, I'm talking about zero to 10 where your revenue degree progress. So, what I'm looking for and serving them. Certainly my audience is that people who are really determined and hungry to expand their business at a rapid rate, the people that aren't attracted to me are the people who are a little bit slower.Who are like, Hey, you know what? I'm not interested right now. And then more we'll want to kind of defer or delay their growth. So once you follow my content, when I'm really focused on is massive action at an accelerated rate, I have a brand called progress daily, which essentially just means to progress at a daily on a daily basis in your business.And for some of them maybe not, not, not feasible, but for many, it is so people who are looking to expand at a fast pace and scale out at a fast pace and market and to get visible on the internet out of FastWorks.

Mark Pitcher

Fantastic. Fantastic. And that's a progression conference when it hits the road. It's one day.

Andy Audate

Is this the one day business acceleration event for entrepreneurs and business owners and entrepreneurs, someone who starts a business and it takes on the risk.A business owner is someone who has a system and who has a system where they can remove themselves from the system. So, if you are walking away from your business, if you are walking away from your business, is your business still running? If you completely go to sleep, take a week off, take a month off.Is your business of running? That's when you're a business owner, an entrepreneur is someone who takes on the risk to start a business, and then they may have employees.but they're building that system. And then a solo preneur is someone who is working on their own. They take on the risk, but they work on their more of the self employed rock. 

Mark Pitcher

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Got you. Got you. And tell us about the book you've written a book called no more average, no more average. So this book was derived because of an experience of recognizing that I want to share a message to people. And the messages that I wanted to share stopped being average.And the average is essentially mimicking the ideas and the efforts of the people around you. Okay. And at your lowest level or your lowest level. So my lowest level was when I was in the streets, hanging out with thugs and gangsters and bang gang bang, gang bangers. And that was, I was mimicking the ideas cause you know, talking about women, the way that they talked about women looking at money, the same way that they looked at money hanging out with people who were negative.So I became negative. So I limited the ideas and efforts of them. And at my lowest level. So I needed to get out of this level. This is three levels, by the way, you have subpar, you have average. And then you had preeminent at the top parameters, probably like 2%, 2% average is 95% of the population.And subpar is 3%. So I was at hanging out with people who were really low. I did some par level, so I had to fight my way to get around people who were just average. Who is average in the society financially average, emotionally average intelligence, average relationship average. And then I had to fight and change my territory, where I lived to fight and change that and got around preeminent people, the people who were the top 2% of the world.And once I got around there, it was a fight to kind of out of the average mindset. So I'm literally trying to get to that, hang around the top 2%. And the top 2% people are what allowed me to spike up. Yeah. And how did you. 

Mark Pitcher

How did you go about doing that, Andy? So going back to, so you started Boston. You now are they clearly things are going well.I mean, what was, what were the first kind of you know, soon as I'm thinking of somebody listening to this thinking, yeah. You know what I, you know, wherever they are, whether they're in average, whether they're in subpar thinking, I need to change things up. I need to change my circle. I need to firstly.

Andy Audate

The first thing that I did without the chain of my circle, So that's the sort of solution one or solution a is going to be change your environment.And then solution two is to get around a group of people who are at a different level than what you're at get a lot of group of people and everything. And one of the ways that you're going to determine this is if you constantly feel uncomfortable, if you constantly feel uncomfortable in a way of being stretched or progressed, Not in a way of like, Oh man, I'm nervous.Like these people make me uncomfortable. I don't like to, they make me feel weird. I'm not talking about that comfort. I'm talking about uncomfortable things in a way, like, Hey, I'm constantly being stretched. To go to a higher self. So once you recognize that and you really feel like, Hey, I'm being stressed to go to a higher self, then you will know you are essentially going towards another level.You're getting out of subpar. You're going into algebra. You're going at once. You're in the average, you're not going into preeminence. And so going to that next level is a necessity. Get around the next group of people. You probably going to have to change your your territory where you live in your city, change your work environment, change your school is going to be something about changing your environment.So you're going to have to change that and you got to change your fast on it. You will literally be sucked into crap. You will be sucked in, so you gotta make a massive decision and take massive action to go to that, to go to that next territory in order for you to truly excel. 

Mark Pitcher

Yeah. That's really interesting how you say that.I mean, there's a couple of things that you say. I mean,I don't follow a huge amount of people online, but one guy I do follow a bit is Tom Bertino. You've probably seen him impact theory, and he talks about seeking discomfort every day. And actually when. When you think about it in terms of fitness, physical fitness yeah, if you want the body, you want the, you know, you want the six got to go and work out every day and push yourself and push yourself and you know, you're going to get a trainer who's going, right. You give them the goals and you go, and you're going to have to, he's going to push you.whereas if he, if he sits there going, yeah, don't worry about it today.You're not going to get that. And I think it's the same in life and that so often I see what I see a lot of is people seek comfort, particularly as they get older, actually that you get into this kind of mindset of like, well, you know, I've worked hard and I deserve that, you know, the break, the bottle of wine or whatever it is and that, and it doesn't come naturally.A lot of the time as humans to seek discomfort, but that's really what you're saying, isn't it? 

Andy Audate

Yeah. Yeah. But most importantly, not only to see, but to account for it, but. Received the knowledge that's necessary for you to expand and that's going to be from the other people and it either is direct or, or a direct or indirectly influence.So direct is going to be when someone comes and tells you, you need to specifically do this, or it's going to be indirectly influenced when you're in the environment and you start seeing and recognizing what other people do and the lifestyle that you want, other lifestyle that you want to live. So for, for example, for example I didn't learn how to be a man for my father.For the most part. I had other mentors in my life who I looked up to as men and I saw what they were doing from, from, from a level of just watching them versus them telling me. So I learned how to be a boyfriend through watching the men that I want to be like I see. And I saw them in their relationships.They never told me what they did in the relationships. I just saw how they treated their wife. I just saw how they treated their kids. I just saw through, by being in the environment. So it's not just, so you're either going to be directly influenced or you're going to be indirectly influence and indirect influences.They're probably going to be the most powerful because you'll know everything that you need to do based on seeing it, and then directly being influenced when someone just tells you what to do. 

Mark Pitcher

Yeah, not what I say, kind of watch what I do. 

Andy Audate

Yeah, exactly. What Should I do. And not what now what I say and and some relationships are more of like, Hey, just do this.And, but I can see that the biggest growth that I've had is when I was around other people who were indirect, it was, it was in direct from me. So now I got to change my environment and get around the right groups and really learn from them and that came from indirect influence by just being in their mind, environment, environment.

Mark Pitcher

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, no, I hear you. I hear you. Fantastic. And, so. Here's another question for you, Andy, because you've clearly, you know, you've come, you've come from a place of adversity. Gorgeous out of that. You've made, you've taken massive action. You changed. Well, all those things you just said, you've done it.You change your city, you change your circle. You, you changed your people. You look to, and, and, and it's worked for you.and you know, our stories are different, but we've both in our own way, come from a place we've had adversity in our lives. Do you think, or to what degree do you think that pain or suffering or adversity is?I don't want to use a I hesitate to use the words necessary, but how much of a factor is that in, in really, really. Building something successful, finding purpose, having that vision. Do you know where I'm going with this? Because sometimes it's like, yeah, Mark. I listen, you know, my case, I lost my son and it's like, Mark, I hear you.

I get it. And it's amazing what you're doing, but look. Look what happened? Yeah. They almost it's like, that's why, that's why you're like this. That's why you're always talking about purpose. That's why you're always trying to inspire everyone to chill out. 

Andy Audate

You have a different, you have a different perspective on life  than anyone else than I, I, I can't, I couldn't imagine how you feel with losing your son.I could not imagine that.I never had a son. And, but I know there's a tremendous amount of love and what you created and for what you went through, you have some strengths that most humans don't have, and I acknowledged you and I acknowledged what you went through and then you still pushing through.And I think really what it comes down to is the level of endurance of pain that you can handle. And then, you know, 50 steps that are best in a, in a, in a story he said, He said when I looked at this business decision of $150 million and you know I could either win it or I could lose it. And I'm making this business decision.He compares it to the loss of that business deal and he compares it to losing his mom at age eight and the pain that he felt. And he looks at life so differently than most humans. So in recognizing that if he says that he loses $150, 150 million. Is it worse than what he did, what he felt with losing his mom?And if the answer is yes, if the answer is no, it's not worse than he could handle the turmoil of losing 150 million. So now was that 

Mark Pitcher

I'm agreeing with you perspective 

Andy Audate

perspective. So now he can go in and make that decision. And I think that, you know, someone in my case, when I look at the grand scheme of life you know, I see my grandfather on a deathbed and we just look at life for really, for what it is like I'm talking to my, my life partner yesterday and I'm telling her, I'm like, Hey, we want to accomplish something in the next 15 years.I'm 25. Now I want to do something by 40. I have wanted to do something phenomenal for years. So I'm telling her the vision. I told her we have 5,475 days. To do this 130 1085 hours to accomplish this. So I broke it down to, I said, when you baby, when you go to sleep tonight, let's take off eight hours after 130, 1040, 45.You know? So when you w you gotta look at it like that. So when I look at it like that, and I essentially say, okay, I'll be aligned for this many hours. If I, if I'm going to die at 80 and I do the math, you know, between now and 80, I'm going to end up dying. When I look at whatever's in front of me. And I think when I compare it to my death, which I've already accepted my death and I compare it to my death, then it's kind of like, So small, like this business deal or getting on a plane or, you know, moving it, you know, starting a business, that's just so fucking me tiny compared to your life.So like that, like what the fuck you scared about? You know? So yes, it does have something to do with it. Mark. I truly think the challenge with your son and I, and I speak life in heaven for him. And, but I think that it has something to do with your success and your push and your desire to support others.And I couldn't imagine the peanut you endured, but I know that the challenges that are in front of you, will be low in comparison to the loss of his son. 

Mark Pitcher

Yeah. You know, you're very kind, and I think that I'm just intrigued because I think that We all have things that we can learn and we can all, you know, we, we, when you, and I, for example, we might have different approaches, but where we're, I'm very, very in tune with what you're saying is that, that kind of fast forwarding to the end of your life kind of deathbed scenario, I've done that.I've done that. And it's like okay so that's the end. And I've accepted that. So, Hey, what a huge opportunity I've got starting right now. We've minutes to go and embrace life and age. And it is, you know, there is so much, I often say there's so much time. There is so much time in, there's not so much time, but I just do see it as just like.It's fear often it's soft and it's fear that holds people back. And I think when you have probably, and we'll have our own versions of this, but you, you know, you you've had an experience earlier in your life.I had mine more recently and in different ways for me, I look at it. I think the worst things already happened.It's already happened. So I could say taking a risk over here, taking a risk down, like what's the worst thing that can happen. I like the story, the 50 cent story.

Andy Audate

where you got, you got it. You got it. You can't list those who haven't had a loss. You gotta. Look at it as if you were, as if you had and put yourself in that mindset, you know, I think it's powerful to control the way that you think in the mindset and the mind frame or the frame of mind that you're, that's your end.So what I mean by that is like, I'm fortunate to not have such a loss in Stanley. but I've put myself in a mindset where, what would I think if I did have an loss, if I was the lost and I lost my life, what would I have wanted to accomplish and what I want to be scared and living in the impoverished environment that I grew up in and be around gangbangers for the rest of my life.And then look at, look at the beginning of my bookmark introduction, literally the first page where you actually read the book, you start reading the book. It says, imagine this, you are on your death bed line down with ours, close to the ceiling. That's how you start the book. Hello. I, how you start the book, imagine that you are only deathbed.Like I can imagine, like when you buy a book, you're like, Oh, you know, personal development book. Imagine this you're on your deathbed, lying down with your eyes. Good. The ceiling that is around the corner at any minute, hour, day now, what is the conversation you have with yourself? It is based on one of the two.

You realize you live your life as the real you, or you lived the life as the unfulfilled. You that's the first paragraph of the fucking bookmark, like look at your life. In a perspective that you are dead, what, and then reverse engineer. That is, I think that's the way to live life. Look at life through perspective of being dead and reverse engineer.Go from that to now all the way back to where you were, even if you're 15, even if you're 25, even if you're 35 45, look at reverse engineering life and say, I'm going to make the best of it. And recognize that will be fear. I'm not saying it's not going to be scary. I'm saying in the midst of fear. You take massive action and you start going to live life at a different level, man.I'm, I'm, I'm an upstate to feel Mark. I'm about to move. I'm leaving Los Angeles, actually I'm leaving LA and I feel the same fear that I felt when I left the environment that I was in. And moved to LA and I'm saying I'm going to a new season of life. And I recognize that and I'm scared. I'm nervous.I said, yes, I'm excited, because of that. I know on the other side of fear is a true blessing. Fear is a direction FIAD. So every time you feel fear to say where fear is a direction and fear, essentially, I think is a spiritual direction of like, Hey, I need you to go in that direction. You got to go another direction. And some people are saying, Oh, it's uncomfortable. I don't remember anything. And I'm saying, no, you need to go that direction.Because on the other side of that, that fear is a huge, massive blessing. Not only for you, but the people that depend on you. And the people that depend on you, I'm not talking about the people who depend on your finances will depend on you to pay rent. I'm talking about the people who depend on your life's purpose.

Mark Pitcher

I hear you, Andy. I didn't even know that about the book. Just spooky that you say that, listen, Andy, I know you've got a, you've got to go shortly and it's really inspiring. Listen to you. And, and, what I love about what you were just talking about that is like, yes, there's fear and. It's not. Yes, but it's yes.And like, I see that a lot of this happened and this happened to me and I'm afraid of this. Yeah. And what we can do with that. Excuse me. So thank you for sharing that.what is the, what, what's the future? I'm going to ask you two questions to sort of give you a chance here too, before we go, first of all, what, what does the future hold for, for Andy and for everything that you're doing? And what's the one thing that you want to leave us with Andy today? 

Andy Audate

So the one thing I want to leave you with is taking massive action. Take massive action. You already know what you gotta do. I don't gotta inspire it. You already know what you got to do. If you're in a place where you're listening to me and he's like, Andy, I just don't.I still don't know. I think that is a complete lie. And what's happening in your life is that you are currently in a place of imbalance. So if someone says, Hey, I don't know what I got to do for all my life's purposes. The challenge is right now, you are imbalanced. We are all given the opportunity and direction in life.Everyone has the opportunity. There is not a single soul who doesn't have it when you are, when you are imbalanced and what that imbalance could look like is that my dad tells me to go to college. My heart says, I need to, I want to be an entrepreneur. Would that means you're imbalanced and you have so much trust in your father and then, but your heart says to be an entrepreneur and you're like, Oh, I'm a balance.Or, you know, your mom tells you to go and be a doctor. Your dad tells you to be a lawyer. Your heart says, I want to be an artist. And then you don't see the money for the art right away. So you're imbalanced. But what I'm saying is for you to look internally and make a decision based on what you want and the way that one way to do that is to reverse engineer from desk.If you looked at your debt, if you look at your death laying down on their deathbed, kind of reverse engineer to right now, when you lean down to the death bed, would you be happy? Which direction would you be happy with? If you're laying down and you're like, yo, I became the artist. So I became the African or I became a college student.

Like which way would you be happy? So once you determine that, all right, now take massive action in that direction. Regardless of the challenges that's in front of you, number three is gonna be a syndrome environment and get in front of the right group of people. Who's going to support you up. Who's going to support you.

Go to no more average Get the book where I talk about subpar levels, preeminent, average levels, and how to get out. Like specifically I break it down step by step. No more average, go to normal average and get your copy regardless of the same Mark, it's going to change your environment.Take massive action and get around like minded individuals who can really support you. Go to the next level.

Mark Pitcher

I love it. Reverse engineer. Massive action. Get your group, get your circle. mentioned the book where else, any other contact details for your Andy people listening to this? Can contact you.

Andy Audate

Yeah. And the audit on all social media platforms andy audate a n d y a u d a t e, 

Mark Pitcher

fantastic. Andy, it's been a blast. Listen, thank you for sharing your, your energy, your wisdom, your experience, your faith. You're just, you know, you're living and breathing it. And I defy anyone not to be inspired by you.I'm getting the vibes. Just through the zoom call. I mean, imagine in person. Wow. I mean, I really, really hope that we get to meet in person one day. I'm so glad I found you  keep doing what you're doing and I've really encouraged people to look.

Andy Audate

I have events in the UK next year, man. 

Mark Pitcher

Let's talk, do some speaking about something.You can get to do some stuff. We're going to do some stuff come to, let me know when you're coming to London or UK, anywhere in the UK and we'll do some more.

Andy Audate

I appreciate you, man. Now it's time for global expansion and I appreciate you. And I said, one of the things I want to leave the audience off with is once you get to a point where you understand why you're on earth, start thinking globally, where you can get in front of people on a global level. I forget your small city.Forget your small state. Get global, get in front of a large group of people. Thank you so much for having me Mark. 

Mark Pitcher

Thinking big it's a pleasure. Thanks for coming on and have a fantastic day.
